Search Results: "timo"

8 November 2014

Gunnar Wolf: Collective pain

The following text is not mine. I'm copy-translating a text a dear friend of mine just wrote in Spanish, in Facebook. He writes far better than I do (much better than most people I have known). I am not also a great translator. If you can read Spanish, go read the original.
I hate my country. I want to get the hell out of here. This country stinks. Phrases that appear in talks between Mexicans since yesterday. On the network and outside of it. And to tell the truth, I would have put them between quotation marks if I had not thought them as well. At some point. Because that is the edtent of the pain. Enuogh to hate, to insult, to give up. But we talk and write without realizing that it might be the most terrible thing in all this mess. That the pain makes us give up and consent to play a role in the game that they, the executioners, would pleasedly look at from their tribunes, laughing at us while they hand each other the popcorn. That would be over the line. So lets not give them that joy. Because they surely don't realize we have the obligation to notice it from the very beginning and do something to avoid falling there: The root of the pain they caused us yesterday is because that's how the annihilation of hope feels like. The shout "Alive they were taken" they do not realize but we do is a shout of hope. A pronouncement for the possible goodness in the human being. A testimony of hope in the future. A bet for life. And with his cold address, the federal attorney yesterday wanted to finish the killing of our already aching hope. We cannot grant him that joy. They say it's the last thing that dies. I'd say it's the only thing that should not die. Ever. It finishes and everything finishes. There is no possible justice for the parents of the 43. Much less for the 43. Not even however much the official discourse wants to gets us dizzy with the propaganda saying "we will not rest until". Not even if the president quits that would bring back to their classrooms even one of those that by today are just ashes. And sadly, that's the excuse that man wields to not stop boarding his plane and travel wherever he pleases. The farthest from Mexico, the better. Lets not do the same. Lets remind the world this country is full of us, not of them. That the face of a persn is not the dirtyness on his forehead and cheeks, but the skin that's below, that feels and throbs. Lets show the world Mexico is more the verse than the blood, more the idea than the terror. And to them... Lets not give them the joy. To them, lets make them see that, however hard they try, there are things they will never take from us. Our love for this country, for example. The country, over all things.
- Antonio Malpica. After what appears to be the bitter and sadly expected end of a sad, terrible, unbelievable collective social rupture we have lived for ~50 days. And what comes next? How can it come? How can we expect it? I have no way to answer. We, the country's people, are broken.

8 October 2014

Jonathan Dowland: Ansible

I've just recently built the large bulk of VMs that we use for first semester teaching. This year that was 112. We use the same general approach for these as our others: get a generic base image up and running, with just enough configuration complete so a puppet client starts up; get it talking to our master; let puppet take it from there. There are pragmatic balances between how much we do in the kickstart versus how much we do in puppet, but also when we build a new VM from scratch versus when we clone an existing image, and how specialisation we do in the clone image. Unfortunately this year we ended up in a situation where our clone image wouldn't talk to our puppet master out of the box, due to some changes we'd made to our master set up since the clone image was prepared. We didn't really have enough time to re-clone the entire set of VMs from a fixed base image, and instead needed to fix them whilst up. However we couldn't rely on puppet to do that, since they wouldn't talk to the puppet master. We needed to manually reset the puppet client state per VM and then re-establish a trust relationship with the correct master (which is not the default master hostname in our environment anymore). Luckily, we deploy a local account with a known passphrase via the kickstart, which also has sudo access, as an interim measure before puppet strips it back out again and sets up proper LDAP and Kerberos authentication. So we can at least get into the boxes. However logging into 112 VMs by hand is not a particularly pleasant task. In the past I might have tried to achieve this using something like clusterssh but this year I decided to give ansible a try instead. Ansible started life, I believe, as a tool that would let you run arbitrary commands on remote hosts, including navigating ssh and sudo as required, without needing any agent software on the remote end. It has since seemed to grow into an enterprise product in its own right, seemingly in competition with puppet, chef, cfengine et al. Looking at the Ansible website now I'd be rather put off by just how "enterprisey" it has become - much as I am by the puppet website, if I'm honest - but if you persevere past the webinars, testimonials, etc. etc., you can find yourself to the documentation, and running an arbitrary command is as simple as The hosts file format is simple
The command line can be a little bit more complex, especially if you need to use one username for ssh, another for sudo, and you don't want to use ssh key auth:
ansible -i ./hostsfile somehosts -k -u someuser \
    --sudo -K -a 'puppet agent --onetime --no-daemonize --verbose 
"all" would work where I've used somehosts in the example above. So there you go: using one configuration management system to bootstrap another. I'm sure I've reserved myself a special place in hell for this.

30 September 2014

Gunnar Wolf: Diego G mez: Imprisoned for sharing

I got word via the Electronic Frontier Foundation about an act of injustice happening to a person for doing... Not only what I do day to day, but what I promote and believe to be right: Sharing academic articles. Diego is a Colombian, working towards his Masters degree on conservation and biodiversity in Costa Rica. He is now facing up to eight years imprisonment for... Sharing a scholarly article he did not author on Scribd. Many people lack the knowledge and skills to properly set up a venue to share their articles with people they know. Many people will hope for the best and expect academic publishers to be fundamentally good, not to send legal threats just for the simple, noncommercial act of sharing knowledge. Sharing knowledge is fundamental for science to grow, for knowledge to rise. Besides, most scholarly studies are funded by public money, and as the saying goes, they should benefit the public. And the public is everybody, is all of us. And yes, if this sounds in any way like what drove Aaron Swartz to his sad suicide early this year... It is exactly the same thing. Thankfully (although, sadly, after the sad fact), thousands of people strongly stood on Aaron's side on that demand. Please sign the EFF petition to help Diego, share this, and try to spread the word on the real world needs for Open Access mandates for academics! Some links with further information:

18 August 2014

Julien Danjou: OpenStack Ceilometer and the Gnocchi experiment

A little more than 2 years ago, the Ceilometer project was launched inside the OpenStack ecosystem. Its main objective was to measure OpenStack cloud platforms in order to provide data and mechanisms for functionalities such as billing, alarming or capacity planning. In this article, I would like to relate what I've been doing with other Ceilometer developers in the last 5 months. I've lowered my involvement in Ceilometer itself directly to concentrate on solving one of its biggest issue at the source, and I think it's largely time to take a break and talk about it. Ceilometer early design For the last years, Ceilometer didn't change in its core architecture. Without diving too much in all its parts, one of the early design decision was to build the metering around a data structure we called samples. A sample is generated each time Ceilometer measures something. It is composed of a few fields, such as the the resource id that is metered, the user and project id owning that resources, the meter name, the measured value, a timestamp and a few free-form metadata. Each time Ceilometer measures something, one of its components (an agent, a pollster ) constructs and emits a sample headed for the storage component that we call the collector. This collector is responsible for storing the samples into a database. The Ceilometer collector uses a pluggable storage system, meaning that you can pick any database system you prefer. Our original implementation has been based on MongoDB from the beginning, but we then added a SQL driver, and people contributed things such as HBase or DB2 support. The REST API exposed by Ceilometer allows to execute various reading requests on this data store. It can returns you the list of resources that have been measured for a particular project, or compute some statistics on metrics. Allowing such a large panel of possibilities and having such a flexible data structure allows to do a lot of different things with Ceilometer, as you can almost query the data in any mean you want. The scalability issue We soon started to encounter scalability issues in many of the read requests made via the REST API. A lot of the requests requires the data storage to do full scans of all the stored samples. Indeed, the fact that the API allows you to filter on any fields and also on the free-form metadata (meaning non indexed key/values tuples) has a terrible cost in terms of performance (as pointed before, the metadata are attached to each sample generated by Ceilometer and is stored as is). That basically means that the sample data structure is stored in most drivers in just one table or collection, in order to be able to scan them at once, and there's no good "perfect" sharding solution, making data storage scalability painful. It turns out that the Ceilometer REST API is unable to handle most of the requests in a timely manner as most operations are O(n) where n is the number of samples recorded (see big O notation if you're unfamiliar with it). That number of samples can grow very rapidly in an environment of thousands of metered nodes and with a data retention of several weeks. There is a few optimizations to make things smoother in general cases fortunately, but as soon as you run specific queries, the API gets barely usable. During this last year, as the Ceilometer PTL, I discovered these issues first hand since a lot of people were feeding me back with this kind of testimony. We engaged several blueprints to improve the situation, but it was soon clear to me that this was not going to be enough anyway.
Thinking outside the box Unfortunately, the PTL job doesn't leave him enough time to work on the actual code nor to play with anything new. I was coping with most of the project bureaucracy and I wasn't able to work on any good solution to tackle the issue at its root. Still, I had a few ideas that I wanted to try and as soon as I stepped down from the PTL role, I stopped working on Ceilometer itself to try something new and to think a bit outside the box. When one takes a look at what have been brought recently in Ceilometer, they can see the idea that Ceilometer actually needs to handle 2 types of data: events and metrics. Events are data generated when something happens: an instance start, a volume is attached, or an HTTP request is sent to an REST API server. These are events that Ceilometer needs to collect and store. Most OpenStack components are able to send such events using the notification system built into oslo.messaging. Metrics is what Ceilometer needs to store but that is not necessarily tied to an event. Think about an instance CPU usage, a router network bandwidth usage, the number of images that Glance is storing for you, etc These are not events, since nothing is happening. These are facts, states we need to meter. Computing statistics for billing or capacity planning requires both of these data sources, but they should be distinct. Based on that assumption, and the fact that Ceilometer was getting support for storing events, I started to focus on getting the metric part right. I had been a system administrator for a decade before jumping into OpenStack development, so I know a thing or two on how monitoring is done in this area, and what kind of technology operators rely on. I also know that there's still no silver bullet this made it a good challenge. The first thing that came to my mind was to use some kind of time-series database, and export its access via a REST API as we do in all OpenStack services. This should cover the metric storage pretty well. Cooking Gnocchi
A cloud of gnocchis!
At the end of April 2014, this led met to start a new project code-named Gnocchi. For the record, the name was picked after confusing so many times the OpenStack Marconi project, reading OpenStack Macaroni instead. At least one OpenStack project should have a "pasta" name, right? The point of having a new project and not send patches on Ceilometer, was that first I had no clue if it was going to make something that would be any better, and second, being able to iterate more rapidly without being strongly coupled with the release process. The first prototype started around the following idea: what you want is to meter things. That means storing a list of tuples of (timestamp, value) for it. I've named these things "entities", as no assumption are made on what they are. An entity can represent the temperature in a room or the CPU usage of an instance. The service shouldn't care and should be agnostic in this regard. One feature that we discussed for several OpenStack summits in the Ceilometer sessions, was the idea of doing aggregation. Meaning, aggregating samples over a period of time to only store a smaller amount of them. These are things that time-series format such as the RRDtool have been doing for a long time on the fly, and I decided it was a good trail to follow. I assumed that this was going to be a requirement when storing metrics into Gnocchi. The user would need to provide what kind of archiving it would need: 1 second precision over a day, 1 hour precision over a year, or even both. The first driver written to achieve that and store those metrics inside Gnocchi was based on whisper. Whisper is the file format used to store metrics for the Graphite project. For the actual storage, the driver uses Swift, which has the advantages to be part of OpenStack and scalable. Storing metrics for each entities in a different whisper file and putting them in Swift turned out to have a fantastic algorithm complexity: it was O(1). Indeed, the complexity needed to store and retrieve metrics doesn't depends on the number of metrics you have nor on the number of things you are metering. Which is already a huge win compared to the current Ceilometer collector design. However, it turned out that whisper has a few limitations that I was unable to circumvent in any manner. I needed to patch it to remove a lot of its assumption about manipulating file, or that everything is relative to now (time.time()). I've started to hack on that in my own fork, but then everything broke. The whisper project code base is, well, not the state of the art, and have 0 unit test. I was starring at a huge effort to transform whisper into the time-series format I wanted, without being sure I wasn't going to break everything (remember, no test coverage). I decided to take a break and look into alternatives, and stumbled upon Pandas, a data manipulation and statistics library for Python. Turns out that Pandas support time-series natively, and that it could do a lot of the smart computation needed in Gnocchi. I built a new file format leveraging Pandas for computing the time-series and named it carbonara (a wink to both the Carbon project and pasta, how clever!). The code is quite small (a third of whisper's, 200 SLOC vs 600 SLOC), does not have many of the whisper limitations and it has test coverage. These Carbonara files are then, in the same fashion, stored into Swift containers. Anyway, Gnocchi storage driver system is designed in the same spirit that the rest of OpenStack and Ceilometer storage driver system. It's a plug-in system with an API, so anyone can write their own driver. Eoghan Glynn has already started to write a InfluxDB driver, working closely with the upstream developer of that database. Dina Belova started to write an OpenTSDB driver. This helps to make sure the API is designed directly in the right way. Handling resources Measuring individual entities is great and needed, but you also need to link them with resources. When measuring the temperature and the number of a people in a room, it is useful to link these 2 separate entities to a resource, in that case the room, and give a name to these relations, so one is able to identify what attribute of the resource is actually measured. It is also important to provide the possibility to store attributes on these resources, such as their owners, the time they started and ended their existence, etc.
Relationship of entities and resources
Once this list of resource is collected, the next step is to list and filter them, based on any criteria. One might want to retrieve the list of resources created last week or the list of instances hosted on a particular node right now. Resources also need to be specialized. Some resources have attributes that must be stored in order for filtering to be useful. Think about an instance name or a router network. All of these requirements led to to the design of what's called the indexer. The indexer is responsible for indexing entities, resources, and link them together. The initial implementation is based on SQLAlchemy and should be pretty efficient. It's easy enough to index the most requested attributes (columns), and they are also correctly typed. We plan to establish a model for all known OpenStack resources (instances, volumes, networks, ) to store and index them into the Gnocchi indexer in order to request them in an efficient way from one place. The generic resource class can be used to handle generic resources that are not tied to OpenStack. It'd be up to the users to store extra attributes. Dropping the free form metadata we used to have in Ceilometer makes sure that querying the indexer is going to be efficient and scalable.
The indexer classes and their relations
REST API All of this is exported via a REST API that was partially designed and documented in the Gnocchi specification in the Ceilometer repository; though the spec is not up-to-date yet. We plan to auto-generate the documentation from the code as we are currently doing in Ceilometer. The REST API is pretty easy to use, and you can use it to manipulate entities and resources, and request the information back.
Macroscopic view of the Gnocchi architecture
Roadmap & Ceilometer integration All of this plan has been exposed and discussed with the Ceilometer team during the last OpenStack summit in Atlanta in May 2014, for the Juno release. I led a session about this entire concept, and convinced the team that using Gnocchi for our metric storage would be a good approach to solve the Ceilometer collector scalability issue. It was decided to conduct this project experiment in parallel of the current Ceilometer collector for the time being, and see where that would lead the project to. Early benchmarks Some engineers from Mirantis did a few benchmarks around Ceilometer and also against an early version of Gnocchi, and Dina Belova presented them to us during the mid-cycle sprint we organized in Paris in early July. The following graph sums up pretty well the current Ceilometer performance issue. The more you feed it with metrics, the more slow it becomes.
For Gnocchi, while the numbers themselves are not fantastic, what is interesting is that all the graphs below show that the performances are stable without correlation with the number of resources, entities or measures. This proves that, indeed, most of the code is built around a complexity of O(1), and not O(n) anymore.
Next steps
Cl ment drawing the logo
While the Juno cycle is being wrapped-up for most projects, including Ceilometer, Gnocchi development is still ongoing. Fortunately, the composite architecture of Ceilometer allows a lot of its features to be replaced by some other code dynamically. That, for example, enables Gnocchi to provides a Ceilometer dispatcher plugin for its collector, without having to ship the actual code in Ceilometer itself. That should help the development of Gnocchi to not be slowed down by the release process for now. The Ceilometer team aims to provide Gnocchi as a sort of technology preview with the Juno release, allowing it to be deployed along and plugged with Ceilometer. We'll discuss how to integrate it in the project in a more permanent and strong manner probably during the OpenStack Summit for Kilo that will take place next November in Paris.

23 June 2014

Daniel Pocock: Bendigo: a risk of becoming the Australian capital of Islamophobia?

I spent most of my high-school years in a small town called Bendigo in Australia. These days, I'm living in the centre of Europe, Switzerland. Oddly enough, a more than trivial number of people in Bendigo are now trying to imitate one of the darkest moments in Switzerland's history, a crusade to prevent the construction of a mosque. At least in Switzerland, they tried to be slightly diplomatic: the official question on the referendum was about banning minarets rather than a whole religion. The placards in the street were more explicit, with the silhouette of blackened minarets arranged to resemble a field of inter-continental ballistic missiles: In Bendigo, however, the gloves are off. One councillor has already declared "I wouldn't want to live near a mosque. Would you?" Will Bendigo ban the internet too? In Australia and Britain, the press has been fascinated with the recent release of a Jihad video on Youtube created by Brits and Aussies fighting in Syria. Fear-mongering fanatics claim the mosque will bring jihadists to Bendigo. If they genuinely believe that, shouldn't they be pushing to censor or ban the internet too, so that the children of Bendigo won't get their hands on these recruitment videos? Weeds will grow if nobody plucks them out The fact is, most of these anti-Islam campaigners are nutcases or opportunists looking for a political career. Hundreds of millions of muslims worship their God in peace every day. As the referendum in Switzerland demonstrates, if good people do nothing, the nutcases will flourish like weeds. Only 30% of Swiss people voted to ban minarets, but with 47% of people not voting at all, the nutcases won. Citizens of Bendigo who value their human rights (which includes freedom of religion) would be wise to avoid complacency. Even though the mosque may now have council approval, sinister groups from around the whole country are now conspiring to overturn the decision or perhaps just make the town a focal point for their Islamophobia campaigns.

17 January 2014

Chris Lamb: Captain Phillips: Pontius Pirate Somalia's chief exports appear to be morally-ambiguous Salon articles about piracy and sophomoric evidence against libertarianism. However, it is the former topic that Captain Phillips concerns itself with, inspired by the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama container ship in 2009. What is truth? In the end, Captain Phillips does not rise above Pontius Pilate in providing an answer, but it certainly tries using more refined instruments than irony or leaden sarcasm. This motif pervades the film. Obviously, it is based on a "true story" and brings aboard that baggage, but it also permeates the plot in a much deeper sense. For example, Phillips and the US Navy lie almost compulsively to the pirates, whilst the pirates only really lie once (where they put Phillips in greater danger). Notice further that Phillips only starts to tell the truth when he thinks all hope is lost. These telling observations become even more fascinating when you realise that they must be based on the testimony of the, well, liars. Clearly, deception is a weapon to be monopolised and there are few limits on what good guys can or should lie about if they believe they can save lives.

Even Phillip's nickname ("Irish") is a falsehood he straight-up admits he is an American citizen.

Futhermore, there is an utterly disarming epilogue where Phillips is being treated for shock by clinical efficient medical staff. Not only will this scuttle any "blanket around the shoulders" clich but is probably a highly accurate portrayal of what actually happens post-trauma. This echoes the kind of truth Werner Herzog aims for in his filmmaking as well his guilt-inducing duality between uncomfortable lingering and compulsive viewing. Lastly, a starter for a meta-discussion: can a film based on real-world events even be "spoilered"? Hearing headlines on the radio before you read your newspaper hardly robs you of a literary journey... Captain Phillips does have some quotidian problems. Firstly, the only tool for ratcheting up tension is for the Somalians to launch verbal broadsides at the Americans, with each compromise somehow escalating the situation. This technique is effective but well before the climatic rescue scene where it is really needed it has been subject to the most extreme diminishing returns. (I cannot be the first to notice the "Africans festooned with guns shouting incomphensively" trope I hope it is based on a Babel-esque mechanism of disorientation from miscommunication rather than anything more unsavoury.)

The racist idea that Africans prefer an AK-47 rotated about the Z-axis is socially constructed.

Secondly, the US Navy acts like a teacher with an Ofsted inspector observing quietly from the corner of the classroom; far too well-behaved it suspends belief, with no post-kill gloating or even the tiniest of post-arrest congratulations. Whilst nobody wants to see the Navy overreact badly to other military branches getting all the glory, nobody wants to see a suspiciously bland recruitment vehicle either. Paradoxically, this hermetic treatment made me unduly fascinated by them as if they were part of some military "uncanny valley". Two quick observations:

The drone footage: I'd love to write an essay about how Call of Duty might have influenced (or even be) cinema.

Finally, despite the title, the film is actually about two captains; the skillful liar Phillips and ... well, that's the real problem. Whilst Captain Muse is certainly no caricatured Hook, we are offered little depth beyond a "You're not just a fisherman" faux-revelation that leads nowhere. I was left inventing reasons for his akrasia so that he made any sense whatsoever. One could charitably argue that the film attempts to stay objective on Muse, but the inability for the film to take any obvious ethical stance actually seems to confuse and then compromise the narrative. What deeper truth is actually being revealed? Is this film or documentary? Worse still, the moral vacuum is invariably filled by the viewer's existing political outlook: are Somali pirates victims of circumstance who are forced into (alas, regrettable) swashbuckling adventures to pacify plank-threatening warlords? Or are they violent and dangerous criminals who habour an irrational resentment against the West, flimsily represented by material goods in shipping containers? Your improvised answer to this Rorschach test will always sit more haphazardly in the film than any pre-constructed treatment ever could. 6/10

Chris Lamb: Review: Captain Phillips (2013) Somalia's chief exports appear to be morally-ambiguous Salon articles about piracy and sophomoric evidence against libertarianism. However, it is the former topic that Captain Phillips concerns itself with, inspired by the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama container ship in 2009. What is truth? In the end, Captain Phillips does not rise above Pontius Pilate in providing an answer, but it certainly tries using more refined instruments than irony or leaden sarcasm. This motif pervades the film. Obviously, it is based on a "true story" and brings aboard all that well-travelled baggage, but it also permeates the plot in a much deeper sense. For example, Phillips and the US Navy lie almost compulsively to the pirates, whilst the pirates only really lie once where they put Phillips in greater danger. Notice further that Phillips only starts to tell the truth when he thinks all hope is lost. These telling observations become even more fascinating when you realise that they must be based on the testimony of the, well, liars. Clearly, deception is a weapon to be monopolised and there are few limits on what good guys can or should lie about if they believe they can save lives.

Even Phillip's nickname ("Irish") is a falsehood he straight-up admits he is an American citizen.

Lastly, there is an utterly disarming epilogue where Phillips is being treated for shock by clinical efficient medical staff. Not only will it scuttle any "blanket around the shoulders" clich but is probably a highly accurate portrayal of what actually happens post-trauma. This echoes the kind of truth Werner Herzog often aims for in his filmmaking as well his guilt-inducing duality between uncomfortable lingering and compulsive viewing. Another angle worthy of discussion: can a film based on real-world events even be "spoilered"? Hearing headlines on the before you read the newspaper hardly robs you of a literary journey... Captain Phillips does have some quotidian problems. Firstly, the only tool for ratcheting up tension is for the Somalians to launch verbal broadsides at the Americans, with each compromise somehow escalating the situation further. This technique is genuinely effective but well before the climatic rescue scene where it is really needed it has been subject to the most extreme diminishing returns. (I cannot be the first to notice the "Africans festooned with guns shouting incomphensively" trope I hope it is based on a Babel-esque mechanism of disorientation and miscommunication rather than anything, frankly, unsavoury.)

The racist idea that Africans prefer a AK-47 rotated about the Z-axis is socially constructed.

Secondly, the US Navy acts like a teacher with an Ofsted inspector observing quietly from the corner of the classroom; far too well-behaved it suspends belief, with no post-kill gloating or even the tiniest of post-arrest congratulations. Whilst nobody wants to see the Navy overreact badly to other military branches getting all the glory, nobody wants to see a suspiciously bland recruitment vehicle either. Paradoxically, this hermetic treatment made me unduly fascinated by them, as if they were part of some military "uncanny valley". Two quick observations:

The drone footage: I'd love to read (or write) an essay about how Call of Duty might have influenced cinema.

Finally, despite the title, the film is actually about two captains; the skillful liar Phillips and ... well, that's the real problem. Whilst Captain Muse is certainly no caricatured Hook, we are offered little depth beyond a "You're not just a fisherman" faux-revelation that leads nowhere. I was left inventing reasons for his akrasia so that he made any sense whatsoever. One could charitably argue that the film attempts to stay objective on Muse, but the inability for the film to take any obvious ethical stance actually seems to confuse and then compromise the narrative. What deeper truth is actually being revealed? Is this film or documentary? Worse still, the moral vacuum is invariably filled by the viewer's existing political outlook: are Somali pirates victims of circumstance who are forced into (alas, regrettable) swashbuckling adventures to pacify plank-threatening warlords? Or are they violent and dangerous criminals who habour an irrational resentment against the West, flimsily represented by material goods in shipping containers? Your improvised answer to this Rorschach test will always sit more haphazardly in the film than any pre-constructed treatment ever could. 6/10

27 November 2013

Timo Jyrinki: Workaround for setting Full RGB when Intel driver's Automatic setting does not work

Background I upgraded from Linux 3.8 to 3.11 among with newer Mesa, X.Org and Intel driver recently and I found a small workaround was needed because of upstream changes.

The upstream change was the Add "Automatic" mode for "Broadcast RGB" property, and defaulting to the Automatic. This is a sensible default, since many (most?) TVs default to the more limited 16-235, and continuing to default to Full from the driver side would mean wrong colors on the TV. I've set my screen to support the full 0-255 range available to not cut the amount of available shades of colors down.

Unfortunately it seems the Automatic setting does not work for my HDMI input, ie blacks become grey since the driver still outputs the more limited range. Maybe there could be something to improve on the driver side, but I'd guess it's more about my 2008 Sony TV actually having a mode that the standard suggests limited range for. I remember the TV did default to limited range, so maybe the EDID data from TV does not change when setting the RGB range to Full.

I hope the Automatic setting works to offer full range on newer screens and the modes they have, but that's probably up to the manufacturers and standards.

Below is an illustration of the correct setting on my Haswell CPU. When the Broadcast RGB is left to its default Automatic setting, the above image is displayed. When set to Full, the image below with deeper blacks is seen instead. I used manual settings on my camera so it's the same exposure.

Workaround For me the workaround has evolved to the following so far. Create a /etc/X11/Xsession.d/95fullrgb file:

if [ "$(/usr/bin/xrandr -q --prop   grep 'Broadcast RGB: Full'   wc -l)" = "0" ] ; then
/usr/bin/xrandr --output HDMI3 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"
And since I'm using lightdm, adding the following to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf means the flicker only happens once during bootup:


Important: when using the LightDM setting, enable executable bits (chmod +x) to /etc/X11/Xsession.d/95fullrgb for it to work. Obviously also check your output, for me it was HDMI3.

If there is no situation where it'd set back to "Limited 16:235" setting on its own, the display manager script should be enough and having it in /etc/X11/Xsession.d is redundant and slows login time down. I think for me it maybe went from 2 seconds to 3 seconds since executing xrandr query is not cheap.
Misc Note that unrelated to Full range usage, the Limited range at the moment behaves incorrectly on Haswell until the patch in bug #71769 is accepted. That means, the blacks are grey in Limited mode even if the screen is also set to Limited.

I'd prefer there would be a kernel parameter for the Broadcast RGB setting, although my Haswell machine does boot so fast I don't get to see too many seconds of wrong colors...

21 May 2013

Timo Jyrinki: Network from laptop to Android device over USB

If you're running an Android device with GNU userland Linux in a chroot and need a full network access over USB cable (so that you can use your laptop/desktop machine's network connection from the device), here's a quick primer on how it can be set up.

When doing Openmoko hacking, one always first plugged in the USB cable and forwarded network, or like I did later forwarded network over Bluetooth. It was mostly because the WiFi was quite unstable with many of the kernels.

I recently found out myself using a chroot on a Nexus 4 without working WiFi, so instead of my usual WiFi usage I needed network over USB... trivial, of course, except that there's Android on the way and I'm a Android newbie. Thanks to ZDmitry on Freenode, I got the bits for the Android part so I got it working.

On device, have eg. data/ with the following contents.

ip addr add dev usb0
ip link set usb0 up
ip route delete default
ip route add default via;
setprop net.dns1
echo 'nameserver' >> $CHROOT/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf
On the host, execute the following:
adb shell setprop sys.usb.config rndis,adb
adb shell data/
sudo ifconfig usb0
sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s
echo 1 sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
This works at least with Ubuntu saucy chroot. The main difference in some other distro might be whether the resolv.conf has moved to /run or not. You should be now all set up to browse / apt-get stuff from the device again.

Update: Clarified that this is to forward the desktop/laptop's network connection to the device so that network is accessible from the device over USB.

7 May 2013

Timo Jyrinki: Qt 5 in Debian and Ubuntu, patches upstreaming

PackagesI quite like the current status of Qt 5 in Debian and Ubuntu (the links are to the qtbase packages, there are ca. 15 other modules as well). Despite Qt 5 being bleeding edge and Ubuntu having had the need to use it before even the first stable release came out in December, the co-operation with Debian has gone well. Debian is now having the first Qt 5 uploads done to experimental and later on to unstable. My work contributed to pkg-kde git on the modules has been welcomed, and even though more work has been done there by others, there haven't been drastic changes that would cause too big transition problems on the Ubuntu side. It has of course helped to ask others what they want, like the whole usage of qtchooser. Now with Qt 5.0.2 I've been able to mostly re-sync all newer changes / fixes to my packaging from Debian to Ubuntu and vice versa.

There will remain some delta, as pkg-kde plans to ask for a complete transition to qtchooser so that all Qt using packages would declare the Qt version either by QT_SELECT environment variable (preferable) or a package dependency (qt5-default or qt4-default). As a temporary change related to that, Debian will have a debhelper modification that defaults QT_SELECT to qt4 for the duration of the transition. Meanwhile, Ubuntu already shipped the 13.04 release with Qt 5, and a shortcut was taken there instead to prevent any Qt 4 package breakage. However, after the transition period in Debian is over, that small delta can again be removed.

I will also need to continue pushing any useful packaging I do to Debian. I pushed qtimageformats and qtdoc last week, but I know I'm still behind with some "possibly interesting" git snapshot modules like qtsensors and qtpim.

PatchesMore delta exists in the form of multiple patches related to the recent Ubuntu Touch efforts. I do not think they are of immediate interest to Debian let's start packaging Qt 5 apps to Debian first. However, about all of those patches have already been upstreamed to be part of Qt 5.1 or Qt 5.2, or will be later on. Some already were for 5.0.2.

A couple of months ago Ubuntu did have some patches hanging around with no clear author information. This was a result of the heated preparation for the Ubuntu Touch launches, and the fact that patches flew (too) quickly in place into various PPA:s. I started hunting down the authors, and the situation turned out to be better than I thought. About half of the patches were already upstreamed, and work on properly upstreaming the other ones was swiftly started after my initial contact. Proper DEP3 fields do help understanding the overall situation. There are now 10 Canonical individuals in the upstream group of contributors, and in the last week's sprint it turned out more people will be joining them to upstream their future patches.

Nowadays about all the requests I get for including patches from developers are stuff that was already upstreamed, like the XEmbed support in qtbase. This is how it should be.

One big patch still being Ubuntu only is the Unity appmenu support. There was a temporary solution for 13.04 that forward-ported the Qt 4 way of doing it. This will be however removed from the first 13.10 ('saucy') upload, as it's not upstreamable (the old way of supporting Unity appmenus was deliberately dropped from Qt 5). A re-implementation via QPA plugin support is on its way, but it may be that the development version users will be without appmenu support for some duration. Another big patch is related to qtwebkit's device pixel ratio, which will need to be fixed. Apart from these two areas of work that need to be followed through, patches situation is quite nice as mentioned.
ConclusionFree software will do world domination, and I'm happy to be part of it.

5 May 2013

Timo Jyrinki: Whee!! zy

Congrats and thanks to everyone,
Debian 7.0 Wheezy releasedUpdating my trusty orion5x box as we speak. No better way to spend a (jetlagged) Sunday.

22 March 2013

Tollef Fog Heen: Sharing an SSH key, securely

Update: This isn't actually that much better than letting them access the private key, since nothing is stopping the user from running their own SSH agent, which can be run under strace. A better solution is in the works. Thanks Timo Juhani Lindfors and Bob Proulx for both pointing this out. At work, we have a shared SSH key between the different people manning the support queue. So far, this has just been a file in a directory where everybody could read it and people would sudo to the support user and then run SSH. This has bugged me a fair bit, since there was nothing stopping a person from making a copy of the key onto their laptop, except policy. Thanks to a tip, I got around to implementing this and figured writing up how to do it would be useful. First, you need a directory readable by root only, I use /var/local/support-ssh here. The other bits you need are a small sudo snippet and a profile.d script. My sudo snippet looks like:
Defaults!/usr/bin/ssh-add env_keep += "SSH_AUTH_SOCK"
%support ALL=(root)  NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ssh-add /var/local/support-ssh/id_rsa
Everybody in group support can run ssh-add as root. The profile.d goes in /etc/profile.d/ and looks like:
if [ -n "$(groups   grep -E "(^  )support(  $)")" ]; then
    export SSH_AUTH_ENV="$HOME/.ssh/agent-env"
    if [ -f "$SSH_AUTH_ENV" ]; then
        . "$SSH_AUTH_ENV"
    ssh-add -l >/dev/null 2>&1
    if [ $? = 2 ]; then
        mkdir -p "$HOME/.ssh"
        rm -f "$SSH_AUTH_ENV"
        ssh-agent > "$SSH_AUTH_ENV"
        . "$SSH_AUTH_ENV"
    sudo ssh-add /var/local/support-ssh/id_rsa
The key is unavailable for the user in question because ssh-add is sgid and so runs with group ssh and the process is only debuggable for root. The only thing missing is there's no way to have the agent prompt to use a key and I would like it to die or at least unload keys when the last session for a user is closed, but that doesn't seem trivial to do.

8 March 2013

Timo Jyrinki: Mobile and products from the perspective of Debian

I didn't want to spam Debian Planet with largely Ubuntu related post, but in general I think this is very relevant for Debian Mobile, and I close up the post with Debian :)

7 February 2013

Russell Coker: Links February 2013

Aaron on Software wrote an interesting series of blog posts about psychology and personal development collectively Titled Raw Nerve , here s a link to part 2 [1]. The best sections IMHO are 2, 3, and 7. The Atlantic has an insightful article by Thomas E. Ricks about the failures in leadership in the US military that made the problems in Afghanistan and Iraq a lot worse than they needed to be [2] Kent Larson gave an interesting TED talk about how to fit more people in cities [3]. He covers issues of power use, transport, space use, and sharing. I particularly liked the apartments that transform and the design for autonomous vehicles that make eye contact with pedestrians. Andrew McAfee gave an interesting TED talk titled Are Droids Taking Our Jobs [4]. I don t think he adequately supported his conclusion that computers and robots are making things better for everyone (he also presented evidence that things are getting worse for many people), but it was an interesting talk anyway. I Psychopath is an interesting documentary about Sam Vaknin who is the world s most famous narcissist [5]. The entire documentary is available from Youtube and it s really worth watching. The movie Toy Story has been recreated in live action by a couple of teenagers [6]. That s a huge amount of work. Rory Stewart gave an interesting TED talk about how to rebuild democracy [7]. I think that his arguments against using the consequences to argue for democracy and freedom (he suggests not using the torture doesn t work and women s equality doubles the workforce arguments) are weak, but he made interesting points all through his talk. Ernesto Sirolli gave an interesting TED talk about aid work and development work which had a theme of Want to help someone? Shut up and listen! [8]. That made me think of Mary Gardiner s much quoted line from the comments section of her Wikimania talk which was also shut up and listen . Waterloo Labs has some really good engineering Youtube videos [9]. The real life Mario Kart game has just gone viral but there are lots of other good things like the iPhone controlled car and eye controlled Mario Brothers. Robin Chase of Zipcar gave an interesting TED talk about various car sharing systems (Zipcar among others), congestion taxes, the environmental damage that s caused by cars, mesh networks, and other things [10]. She has a vision of a future where most cars are shared and act as nodes in a giant mesh network. Madeleine Albright gave an interesting TED talk about being a female diplomat [11]. She s an amazing speaker. Ron Englash gave an interesting TED talk about the traditional African use of fractals [12]. Among the many interesting anecdotes concerning his research in Africa he was initiated as a priest after explaining Georg Cantor s set theories. Racialicious has an insightful article about the low expectations that members of marginalised groups have of members of the privileged groups [13]. Rick Falkvinge has a radical proposal for reforming copyrights with a declared value system [14]. I don t think that this will ever get legislative support, but if it did I think it would work well for books and songs. I think that some thought should be given to how this would work for Blogs and other sources of periodical content. Obviously filing for every blog post would be an unreasonable burden. Maybe aggregating a year of posts into one copyright assignment block would work. Scott Fraser gave an interesting TED talk about the problem with eyewitness testimony [15]. He gave a real-world example of what had to be done to get an innocent man acquitted, it s quite amazing. Sarah Kendzior wrote an interesting article for al Jazeera about the common practice in American universities to pay Adjunct Professors wages that are below the poverty line [16]. That s just crazy, when students pay record tuition fees there s more than enough money to pay academics decent wages, where does all the money go to anyway?

28 October 2012

Timo Jyrinki: UDS GTA04 Hacking

I'm sitting at the Bella Sky lobby bar while UDS people keep pouring in. I guess I have to start this UDS with some hacking (and a little beer)! I bootstrapped an Ubuntu armhf rootfs and coupled it with QtMoko's kernel already earlier after I received my GTA04 but it didn't boot right away so I had nothing to report. I wanted armhf so I chose QtMoko's 'experimental' Debian armhf rootfs + boot files as the reference to look at while working on the Ubuntu rootfs. I now went through again some of the configuration files, and voil :

Now running apt-get install unity over SSH :) It will require OpenGL ES 2.0 hw acceleration to run, now that the support was integrated in Ubuntu 12.10. I will therefore need to tinker what kind of OMAP3 armhf binary blobs there are available, and what's again the situation with DDX driver as well. I always feel that the fun starts at this point for me, when I've the device booting and I can SSH in. That's why I'm happy the work from Golden Delicious GmbH and QtMoko helped me to get here...

13 October 2012

Timo Jyrinki: OpenPhoenux GTA04

Postman was on a kind mood yesterday. My OpenPhoenux GTA04 arrived! I had my newer Neo FreeRunner upgraded via the service from Golden Delicious.

First, something rare to behold in phones nowadays - Made in Bavaria:

As a sidenote, also rare now - my Nokia N9 is one of the last phones that had this:

It's sad that's now a thing of the past for both hardware assembly and software! But that's just a hint for new companies to step in.

But back to GTA04 - a quick boot to the pre-installed Debian w/ LXDE:

And then as a shortcut unpacked and booted into QtMoko (well, it's also Debian) instead to test that phone functionality also works - and it does:

Next up: brewing something of my own!

6 October 2012

Timo Jyrinki: Light-weight security, Grub2 password setup problems 1.99 vs 2.00

I believe I'm not the only one who thinks that use case oriented Grub2 documentation is hard to find, and a lot of the documentation is obsolete or wrong. My main cause for writing this blog post is a currently unanswered question regarding 2.00, but meanwhile it seems months have passed and still most 1.99 documentation is wrong as well, which might be interesting to some.

The aim is to prevent grub entries from being edited, while not restricting actual booting. This protection is meant for computers not having any confidential stuff, but just wanting to do some light weight security with the assumption that the computer isn't physically opened.

Common setup

You will obviously want to disable any automatically generated root access giving entries, by for example uncommenting GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true" in /etc/default/grub on Debian or Ubuntu. Also you would disable allowing any external boot devices to be used in BIOS/EFI/coreboot, which you would also have protected with a password. And that often means you need to also disable USB legacy support, since some BIOSes tend to offer all USB devices as bootable without password otherwise (note that I guess that could also cause problems accessing setup on desktop computers if your only keyboard is USB).


So to first fix the false instructions in various places - no, setting the superuser in 00_header as instructed is not enough. It might be, but does not apply if eg. old kernels are put into submenu (Ubuntu bug 718670, Fedora bug 836259). The protection from editing does not apply there. And if you remove all but one kernel so that there is no submenu, a submenu will be automatically created when there is a new kernel installed via security updates. I didn't need the submenu feature anyway, so I used to comment out the following lines in /etc/grub.d/10_linux:

#if [ "$list" ] && ! $in_submenu; then
#echo "submenu \"Previous Linux versions\" "
#if $in_submenu; then
# echo " "

I hope that was useful. I can imagine it causing a couple of family battles if the commonly instructed setup was the only protection used and there's for example a case of two computer savvy siblings that are eager to get to each others' computers...

2.00 & The Question

The problem with 2.00 is that the superusers setup yields a non-bootable system, ie. password is required for booting. But Google wasn't smiling at me today! Terrible. Can you help me (and others) with 2.00? The aim would be to have a 1.99-like setup where superuser password protects all entries from editing, but booting is fine without any passwords.

Update: Thanks, problem solved, see comments! Find the following line in /etc/grub.d/10_linux:

echo "menuentry '$(echo "$os" grub_quote)' $ CLASS \$menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-simple-$boot_device_id' " sed "s/^/$submenu_indentation/"

And add --unrestricted there. Don't mix the line with the another menuentry line two lines earlier. The submenu problem doesn't exist anymore in 2.00.

28 September 2012

Keith Packard: DRI-Next

Thoughts about DRI.Next On the way to the X Developer s Conference in Nuremberg, Eric and I chatted about how the DRI2 extension wasn t really doing what we wanted. We came up with some fairly rough ideas and even held an informal presentation about it. We didn t have slides that day, having come up with the content for the presentation in the hours just before the conference started. This article is my attempt to capture both that discussion and further conversations held over roast pork dinners that week. A brief overview of DRI2 Here s a list of the three things that DRI2 currently offers. Application authentication. The current kernel DRM authentication mechanism restricts access to the GPU to applications connected to the DRM master. DRI2 implements this by having the application request the DRM cookie from the X server which can then be passed to the kernel to gain access to the device. This is fairly important because once given access to the GPU, an application can access any flink d global buffers in the system. Given that the application sends screen data to the X server using flink d buffers, that means all screen data is visible to any GPU-accessing application. This bypasses any GPU hardware access controls. Allocating buffers. DRI2 defines a set of attachment points for buffers which can be associated with an X drawable. An application needing a specific set of buffers for a particular rendering operation makes a request of the X server which allocates the buffers and passes back their flink names. The server automatically allocates new buffers when window sizes change, sending an event to the application so that it knows to request the new buffers at some point in the future. Presenting data to the user. The original DRI2 protocol defined only the DRI2CopyRegion request which copied data between the allocated buffers. SwapBuffers was implemented by simply copy data from the back buffer to the front buffer. This didn t provide any explicit control over frame synchronization, so a new request, DRI2SwapBuffers, was added to expose controls for that. This new request only deals with the front and back buffers, and either copies from back to front or exchanges those two buffers. Along with DRI2SwapBuffers, there are new requests that wait for various frame counters and expose those to GL applications through the OMLsynccontrol extension What s wrong with DRI2? DRI2 fixed a lot of the problems present with the original DRI extension, and made reliable 3D graphics on the Linux desktop possible. However, in the four years since it was designed, we ve learned a lot, and the graphics environment has become more complex. Here s a short list of some DRI2 issues that we d like to see fixed. Proposed changes for DRI.Next Given the three basic DRI2 operations (authentication, allocation, presentation), how can those be improved? Eliminate DRI/DRM magic-cookie based authentication Kristian H gsberg, Martin Peres, Timoth e Ravier & Daniel Vetter gave a talk on DRM2 authentication at XDC this year that outlined the problems with the current DRM access control model and proposed some fairly simple solutions, including using separate device nodes one for access to the GPU execution environment and a separate, more tightly controlled one, for access to the display engine. Combining that with the elimination of flink for communicating data between applications and there isn t a need for the current magic-cookie based authentication mechanism; simple file permissions should suffice to control access to the GPU. Of course, this ignores the whole memory protection issue when running on a GPU that doesn t provide access control, but we already have that problem today, and this doesn t change that, other than to eliminate the global uncontrolled flink namespace. Allocate all buffers in the application DRI2 does buffer allocation in the X server. This ensures that that multiple (presumably cooperating) applications drawing to the same window will see the same buffers, as is required by the GLX extension. We suspected that this wasn t all that necessary, and it turns out to have been broken several years ago. This is the traditional way in X to phase out undesirable code, and provides an excellent opportunity to revisit the original design. Doing buffer allocations within the client has several benefits: Present buffers through DMA-buf The new DMA-buf infrastructure provides a cross-driver/cross-process mechanism for sharing blobs of data. DMA-buf provides a way to take a chunk of memory used by one driver and pass it to another. It also allows applications to create file descriptors that reference these objects. For our purposes, it s the file descriptor which is immediately useful. This provides a reliable and secure way to pass a reference from an underlying graphics buffer from the client to the X server by sending the file descriptor over the local X socket. An additional benefit is that we get automatic integration of data from other devices in the system, like video decoders or non-primary GPUs. The Prime support added in DRI version 2.8 hacks around this by sticking a driver identifier in the driverType value. Once the buffer is available to the X server, we can create a request much like the current DRI2SwapBuffers request, except instead of implicitly naming the back and front buffers, we can pass an arbitrary buffer and have those contents copied or swapped to the drawable. We also need a way to copy a region into the drawable. I don t know if that needs the same level of swap control, but it seems like it would be nice. Perhaps the new SwapBuffers request could take a region and offset as well, copying data when swapping isn t possible. Managing buffer allocations One trivial way to use this new buffer allocation mechanism would be to have applications allocate a buffer, pass it to the X server and then simply drop their reference to it. The X server would keep a reference until the buffer was no longer in use, at which point the buffer memory would be reclaimed. However, this would eliminate a key optimization in current drivers the ability to re-use buffers instead of freeing and allocating new ones. Re-using buffers takes advantage of the work necessary to setup the buffer, including constructing page tables, allocating GPU memory space and flushing caches. Notifying the application of idle buffers Once the X server is finished using a buffer, it needs to notify the application so that the buffer can be re-used. We could send these notifications in X events, but that ends up in the twisty mess of X client event handling which has already caused so much pain with Invalidate events. The obvious alternative is to send them back in a reply. That nicely controls where the data are delivered, but causes the application to block waiting for the X server to send the reply. Fortunately, applications already want to block when swapping buffers so that they get throttled to the swap buffers rate. That is currently done by having them wait for the DRI2SwapBuffers reply. This provides a nice place to stick the idle buffer data. We can simply list buffers which have become idle since the last SwapBuffers reply was delivered. Releasing buffer memory Applications which update only infrequently end up with a back buffer allocated after their last frame which can t be freed by the system. The fix for this is to mark the buffer purgable, but that can only be done after all users of the buffer are finished with it. With this new buffer management model, the application effectively passes ownership of its buffers to the X server, and the X server knows when all use of the buffer are finished. It could mark buffers as purgable at that point. When the buffer was sent back in the SwapBuffers reply, the application would be able to ask the kernel to mark it un-purgable again. A new extension? Or just a new DRI2 version? If we eliminate the authentication model and replace the buffer allocation and presentation interfaces, what of the existing DRI2 protocol remains useful? The only remaining bits are the other synchronization requests: DRI2GetMSC, DRI2WaitMSC, DRI2WaitSBC and DRI2SwapInterval. Given this, does it make more sense to leave DRI2 as it is and plan on deprecating, and eventually eliminating, it? Doing so would place a support burden on existing applications, as they d need to have code to use the right extension for the common requests. They ll already need to support two separate buffer management versions though, so perhaps this burden isn t that onerous?

9 September 2012

Erich Schubert: Google Plus replacing blogs not Facebook

When Google launched Google+, a lot of people were very sceptical. Some outright claimed it to be useless. I must admit, it has a number of functions that really rock.
Google Plus is not a Facebook clone. It does not try to mimick Facebook that much. To me, it looks much more like a blog thing. A blog system, where everybody has to have a Google account, and then can comment (plus, you can then restrict access and share only with some people). It also encourages you to share shorter posts. Successful blogs always tried to make their posts "articles". Now the posts themselves are merely comments; but not as crazy short as Twitter (it is not a Twitter clone either), and it does have rich media contents, too.
Those who expect it to replace their Facebook where the interaction is all about personal stuff will be somewhat disappointed. Because it IMHO much less encourages the smalltalk type of interaction.
However, it won a couple of pretty high profile people to share their thoughts and web discoveries with the world. Some of the most active users I follow on Google Plus are: Linus Torvalds and Tim O'Reilly (of the publishing house O'Reilly)
Of course I also have a number of friends that share private stuff on Google Plus. But in my opinion the strength of Google Plus is on sharing publicly. Since Google is the king of search, they can both feed shares of your friends into your regular search results, but there is also a pretty interesting search in Google PLus. The key difference is that with this search, the focus is on what is new. Regular web search is also a lot about searching for old things (where you did not bother to remember the address or bookmark the site - and mind it, today a lot of people even "google for Google" ...) For example I like the plus search for data mining because it occasionally has some interesting links in it. A lot of the stuff is coming in again and again, but using the "j and k" keys, I can quickly scroll through these results to see if there is anything interesting. And there are quite a lot of interesting things I've discovered this way.
Note that this can change anytime. And maybe it is because I'm interested in technology stuff that it works well for me. But say, maybe you are more into HDR photography than me (I think they look unreal, as if someone has done way too much contrast and edge enhancing on the image). But go there, and press "j" a number of times to browse through some HDR shots. That is a pretty neat search function there. And if you come back tomorrow, there will likely be new images!
Facebook tried to clone this functionality. Google+ launched in June 2011, and in September 2011, Facebook added "subscribers". So they realized the need for having "non-friends" that are interested in what you are doing. Yet, I don't know anybody actually using it. And the Public posts search is much less interesting than of Google Plus, and the nice keyboard navigation is also missing.
Don't get me wrong, Facebook still has its uses. When I travel, Facebook is great for me to get into contact with locals to go swing dancing. There are a number of events where people only invite you on Facebook (and that is one of the reasons why I've missed a number of events - because I don't use Facebook that much). But mind it, a lot of the stuff that people share on Facebook is also really boring.
And that will actually be the big challenge for Google: keeping the search results interesting. Once you have millions of people there sharing pictures of lolcats - will it still return good results? Or will just about every search give you more lolcats?
And of course, spam. The SEO crowd is just warming up in exploring the benefits of Google Plus. And there are quite some benefits to be gained from connecting web pages to Google Plus, as this will make your search results stick out somehow, or maybe give them that little extra edge over other results. But just like Facebook at some point was so heavily spammed when every little shop was setting up his Facebook pages, inviting everyone to all the events and so on - this is bound to happen on Google Plus, too. We'll see how Google then reacts, and how quickly and effectively.

30 June 2012

Timo Jyrinki: Where computing takes you...

Do you ever have those afternoons you get a great idea and you've all the evening time for that task. The task is a relaxing one and won't need much attention, and you can watch a movie or something. But then, it happens that the evening turns into night as you realize a couple of little details adding complexity to the idea, and the task turns out to be much more invasive to your evening than you thought?

In this example, I got the great idea to upgrade my Debian running NAS device (thanks Martin for everything!) to use ext4 instead of ext3. The kind of idea that takes a long time for relatively little practical benefit, but it just feels like a nice thing do when you've the extra amounts of nerd time available. It's basically just opening the NAS device up, mounting its hard disk to a laptop via external case, running the tune2fs and fsck then putting the disk back. It just takes a long time for the initial fsck (to make sure everything's intact) and then the required fsck run to get ext4 mountable.

Only in this situation, it would have been beneficial to have the ext4 support in the flashed initramfs before the migration. So... before the photo below, I've already:
  1. done the ext4 migration and fsck:s
  2. screwed the disk back to the NAS case, attached cables and found that it doesn't boot
  3. (on the laptop with the hard disk attached again tried manually unpacking initramfs and adding ext4 module... also had time to bind mount everything and chroot into the ARM system to run update-initramfs manually... also tried booting with those... until remembered the simple fact that the /boot partition is only for show and also the initramfs is loaded directly from flash)
  4. copied the main root filesystem content from the original disk to another external disk with ext3 partition
  5. attached the another disk (with same UUID:s) to the QNAP NAS device, booted, double-checked that I have now ext4 specified under /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, reconfigured the linux image that also regenerates initramfs and flashes it
And in the photo, what's happening is that:
  1. I've again the original disk reattached and system booted with the initramfs generated and flashed from the ext3 disk
  2. the NAS device is hanging in the air, cover open, from the closet where I've things stuffed in (normally secured with cable ties), and I need to support it with a knee or one hand since the 2TB disk is much heavier than the small SSD I used as the ext3 disk so the power cable and RJ-45 cable would have pretty heavy load
  3. Since I've only one hand in use and can't use a laptop, I'm logging in via my Nokia N9 and then reflashing the kernel + initramfs from this original disk, just to make sure everything is now alright and also after that flashing it still boots (it does!). Note that I feel like the setup is secure enough for non-interrupted flashing so that I can indeed support the NAS with a knee, use one hand to keep N9 and another hand to take a photo with a camera.

And so we have had a productive and educating afternoon/evening/night once again. Does this ever happen to you?

